Cleaning Up For a Greener Future- Earth Choice x Carbon Positive Partnership

Cleaning Up For a Greener Future- Earth Choice x Carbon Positive Partnership

At Earth Choice, our commitment to sustainability goes beyond our products, which is why we are proud to join forces with Carbon Positive Australia. As Australian companies with shared values in supporting our environment and communities, we are excited to support and restore biodiversity and create the best possible conditions for tree planting across Australia. We chatted to Lauren of Carbon Positive Australia to talk more about our partnership and what they do.

Who is Carbon Positive Australia?

Carbon Positive Australia is dedicated to restoring and preserving our much-loved Australian environment through native tree planting projects that help restore landscapes and biodiversity. 

Our projects are about more than just carbon offsets – they’re about meaningful restoration. As a grassroots organisation with deep roots in Australia, we develop projects strategically to address the greatest need. 

Not only that, we work with our business partners to boost Australian conservation and restoration, empower individuals and businesses to reduce their carbon footprint, and build the capacity of tree planting projects.

These partnerships are crucial to our work, and our collaboration with Earth Choice plays a significant role in scaling our impact across Australia.

Talk us through the partnership with Earth Choice?
For every Earth Choice product you buy this month, you're not only making a better choice for your home but also for our planet.

Earth Choice products have been a staple in my household for years. As a company that offers sustainable cleaning solutions at an affordable price, they have been championing the way for other brands in their commitment to sustainable products, packaging and processes. 

While sustainable solutions can often be costly, Earth Choice has maintained a steadfast commitment to "planet over profit," since they began their journey in 1981, ensuring their products are affordable and accessible to every Australian.

Now they have taken the next step on their journey by partnering with us at Carbon Positive Australia so we can all take part in cleaning up for a greener future. Their support is enabling us to restore land in two of Australia’s iconic and unique biodiversity hotspots - the Southwest of Western Australia and the Eastern Forests of Australia and funding our community projects that take place in cities and regional communities - a solution to climate change and rising urban heat.

Our Australian landscape is unique and our partnership with Earth Choice is a commitment to work together to clean up for a greener future.

Can you tell us a bit more about what biodiversity is?
Biodiversity has a direct impact on all of our lives. As humans, it gives us a functioning ecosystem that provides oxygen, clear air and water, plant pollutions, pest control, wastewater treatment, and ecosystem services.

Biodiversity includes:

  • Species diversity. This refers to the number of different species within a particular area. Each species represents a unique evolutionary path and contributes to the overall diversity of life on Earth.
  • Genetic diversity. This refers to the variety of genes within a species. Genetic diversity is essential for species to adapt to changing environmental conditions and ensure populations’ long-term survival.
  • Ecosystem diversity. This refers to the variety of ecosystems within a region. Different ecosystems, such as forests, grasslands, and wetlands, support a distinct assortment of species and play specific ecological roles.

Biodiversity is essential to sustaining the living networks and systems that provide us all with health, food, wealth, fuel, and the vital services our lives depend on.

Organisms, ecosystems, and ecological processes supply us with oxygen and clean water. They help keep our lives in balance and regulate the climate.

Yet this rich diversity is being lost at a greatly accelerated rate because of human activities.

According to the 2014 Living Planet Report, our demand on the planet is more than 50% greater than what nature can sustain, with dramatic declines in biodiversity since 1970.

CSIRO research shows that by 2070, the impacts of climate change on Australia’s biodiversity will be widespread and extreme. We must take action to preserve this irreplaceable natural wealth and reduce biodiversity loss.

What is the state of biodiversity in Australia?
Australia’s biodiversity is both rich and unique. Between 7-10% of all species on Earth are located in Australia, with 85% of Australia’s plant species endemic to the continent.

As a country, we are among the worst on biodiversity conservation, with a 5-10% loss, as noted in a study held between 1996 and 2008.

Western Australia alone has some of the richest diversity of plants and animals in the world, with the southwest recognised as one of the world’s 35 Biodiversity Hotspots (and the only one in Australia).

What are biodiversity hotspots?

Biodiversity hotspots are defined as geographical regions with exceptionally high levels of species richness that are under significant threat due to human activities.

These areas are characterised by having a high number of plant and animal species found nowhere else on Earth (endemic species). Biodiversity hotspots are recognised for their biological importance and the urgent need to conserve their unique and threatened ecosystems.

To be classified as a biodiversity hotspot, a region must meet the following:

  • Species richness.The hotspot must have at least 1,500 species of vascular plants (about 0.5% of the world’s total) as endemic and should have lost at least 70% of its original habitat.
  • Threat level. The hotspot should be under significant threat due to human activities, such as destruction, invasive species, pollution, and climate change.

How is Carbon Positive Australia working to restore Biodiversity Hotspots in Australia?

At Carbon Positive Australia, we work to protect Australia’s Biodiversity Hotspots through our land restoration projects that support our wildlife and ecosystems.

Central to our work is the commitment to develop, support and catalyse tree-planting activities. Tree planting holds immense potential for combatting climate change and regenerating the land. By supporting and championing tree-planting initiatives, we seek to amplify the positive impact of these activities.

Activities that not only support wildlife and ecosystems but also help to reduce the impacts of climate change, helping to bring in rain, hold soil, clean rivers, and stop erosion. For farmers, this work provides windbreaks, shade for stock, and a ready supply of birds to reduce pests. It also supports work for First Nations Rangers and improves regional economies.

How else can people support Carbon Positive Australia?
You could look at your carbon footprint—we all have one! Knowing your carbon footprint can be the first step to understanding your impact on the environment, and calculating it is an easy way to take action for the climate. You can get started here.

Stay tuned for more updates from Carbon Positive Australia and Earth Choice with how you can make better decisions when it comes to your household cleaning and laundry products.


Words: Lauren Purcell, Head of Communications, Engagement & Marketing for Carbon Positive Australia

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